Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , , |
Contract date | 1945-10-12 00:00:00.000, 1945-10-12 00:00:00.000, 1943-11-09 00:00:00.000, 1943-12-30 00:00:00.000, 1951-08-16 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 23/1060, 23/4510, 23/2292, 23/4837, 23/8607 |
Contractor | Glover Webb, Glover Webb, Dashwood, Thompson, Metafiltration Ltd |
Make | Glover Webb, Glover Webb, Dashwood, Dashwood, Dashwood |
Model | Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (180 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (180 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (180 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (180 gallon) 2wh, Trailer 1 ton Water Tanker (180 gallon) 2wh |
Wartime number | , , , , |
X page | 06397, 06397, 06397, 06397, 06397 |
Quantity | , , , , |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : 1571686642 50m 10/44 ( 89267 ) 58521/4870 50m 3/45 M & C Ltd. 51/1 Date Contract No. Quantity 12/10/45 23/1060 GloVER . WEbb S / S TRAILER TANK 1 4510 X GEOVER WEBB TRAILER , 1 TON , 2 WHEELED , C / W WATER TANK 180 GALLS . Now See alw al FV 2401 ( 6 ) 9.11.43 294/13/2292 30-12.43 192- 12. 10 + 35 % + 8 % + 1 % / B.6.P. Contractor Sashwood Partnew " 14837 Thampoon Bros. 4 Actual fest . 1943 7 16.5.51 . " 6 / P + lq / 8607 Metáfiltration bo . Etd ltd . + 45 % 8 % 1 % X 7 Per EA Contract Price £ 8. d . 105 Free Jasues . la 195 Fach 130 88 9 227 " 771410 Pyy 182-14 10 285 o 160 102 3 26 - each 104 . ♦ - 1 610294.49.163 6 7 ²3 / 1 L 3 11 1 44 359 09 360 00 1 Costed Price £ S. d . ✔ 64 Free Issues £ 918 9 J 8. d . . -SMT 29 6. P. / 125 195 SA1951 p . Ond 12/6/52 CAT . NO . S.R. 1952 . DRWG . No Remarks FOLIO 180 INSPN . CON . BCH . 312 fabsol Ord 13 . James ( meroF ( 18 ) ) . 12/01/51 , 2571/52 B.G.P 225 & Quoted to 541 And Depor . for Gibbons Trailer spone A Amel Law . 4/6764 ~ / X / 20 Q 15 ABODQ mo Q mso 9 ( 1 ) 17.9.53 . Metafilter for Sraiter I ten I whld . Water 180 galls , for FV 2401 B |