Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , |
Contract date | 1942-04-01 00:00:00.000, 1943-08-14 00:00:00.000, 1943-09-30 00:00:00.000, 1943-11-09 00:00:00.000, 1943-12-17 00:00:00.000, 1944-01-24 00:00:00.000, 1944-05-16 00:00:00.000, 1943-08-18 00:00:00.000, 1945-01-17 00:00:00.000, 1945-02-03 00:00:00.000, 1945-08-16 00:00:00.000, 1945-08-22 00:00:00.000, 1945-07-07 00:00:00.000, 1950-11-03 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | T11440, 23/1131, 23/1064, 23/2292, 23/2291, 23/S4842, 23/1060, 23/1059, 23/6130, 23/1059, 23/6149, 23/7660, 23/9803, 6/V/5270 |
Contractor | Carrimore, Dashwood, Gibbons, Dashwood, Gibbons, Dashwood, Glover Webb, Spurling, Dashwood, Spurling, Tranpsort Engineering, Tranpsort Engineering, Gibbons, Brockhouse |
Make | Carrimore, Dashwood, Gibbons, Dashwood, Gibbons, Dashwood, Glover Webb, Spurling, Dashwood, Spurling, Transport Engineering Co, Transport Engineering Co, Gibbons, Brockhouse |
Model | Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh, Trailer 1 ton GS Cargo 2wh |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , , , , , , |
X page | 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393, 06393 |
Quantity | 3, 628, 750, 1000, 1000, 24, 1250, 1000, 812, 1000, 997, 25, , 908 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : ( 18186D ) Wt 30386/4796 25000 10/42 HJ R & L Gp 745/6 Date TRAILER , 1 TON 2 WHLD . Contract No. ( 19703D 1/4/42 1/11440 barrimore 14/8/43 23/1131 23-11-50 Contractor Bashwood & Partnere 30.9.43 23 a -3/1064 libbons 9.11.43 23 2292 Dashwood O ibbons g 17.12.43 23 / 2291 Gibbons 24.1.44 23 / S.4842 Dashwoood of 16.5.44 23/1060 Glover Webb X 18-8.43 23/1059 Spurling Motors 17.1.45 23/6130 Dashwood of . Gibbons Glover Webb ضوله Wt 39611/9505 25,000 12/42 مامحمد 68 Steriliser B. H. 5.s. G.S Spurling 6 | Uch | 5270 | Byockhouve Vide G.S. CARGO Quantity Comendment Nol √3 688 750 1,000 la : 1,000 2 24 1350 1 , 812 3.2.45 23/1059 Spurling +97 . 16.8.45 23/6149 Transport Eng : 34 . 19. 9415 % -8 % / 70 € 1000 dated 1-2-51 tee Contract Price £ s . d . Costed Price S. d . ka 220 100 183 16 4 Ca 145 o O 112 129 98170 85 9 10 Per 908 ea . YES !! 3 22.8.45 23/7660 58 13 41 7.47 . 45/23/9803 Sebbons . J. L.80.17 0+ 1 4 546 188-1940 8318 140 O A £ 10-08 . = 194-16 6 + 35 % + 8 % + 1 % barrimore B.6.P. G.S. Ea 135 Dashwood of 130 68 130 2 O 105 la 139 6 6 115 13/0 145 125 11488 25 106 10 ea : " 3 10 4 3 : : ea 110 140 86 115 10 10 125 - - - " > • O 1 . £ 1 F.P. FVZUOTR . Free Issues £ S. d . 1050 Casted 29/6/43 B.C.PL 135 9140 22/6/44 B.6.8 £ 120 . 9150 1 / O steel L.L. Hubs 10 12140 4.B.6PE80 L.L.Hubs £ 145 9 180 THE HIS Poto 9 100 B.B.P. 2125 4.8 18.9 . " 978 8 esta £ 1001 + $ 500 + $ 4 / + 10 // 10 90 2,88 10 18 . 208 10 o 207 10 47 12/12 说 217 14 72 Ord 18 ) 24451 CAT . No. DRWG . N FOLLO INSPN . 189 Con . Bch Đ Remarks £ 95 body & canvas cove Sterilizer $ 140 Prize refixed 3.2.45 £ 125 ( from 1443 ) Jml 21/10/51 · 8 + 1988-98.13-4-1-145-5-40 1018- £ 95⁰ gomes 31/10751 . // 9. S. as Cont : 6149 Costed 19/4/46 MAOFIRY bosted 14/4/46 £ 858000 31/10751 . = 150 1951 Washwood & Partner 2 £ 195 . ) quita 9. Gibbons давото Ofporting motors willions . MG OHR ) 75/1/51 ( 1 CONTI B.C.P. £ 20 2shid Gs ft gnotta ) £ 217.14-12 20 BCR £ 220 78 % = £ 236 / 4-941 % = ( 28. 12.00 : quoted £ 240 2003 M 12/1 13/4/5 |