Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , , , , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , , , , , , |
Contract date | 1942-07-28 00:00:00.000, 1942-10-22 00:00:00.000, 1942-07-28 00:00:00.000, 1942-05-19 00:00:00.000, 1942-07-28 00:00:00.000, 1950-10-04 00:00:00.000, 1950-10-28 00:00:00.000, 1952-03-15 00:00:00.000, 1952-05-08 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | T10044, T11827, T5511, T4091, T5193, 6/V/5592, 6/V/5948, 6/V/5947, 6/V/9403 |
Contractor | Scottish Motors, Scottish Motors, Scottish Motors, Cranes (Dereham), Scottish Motors, British Trailer Co, Hands, Tasker, Tasker |
Make | Scottish Motors, Scottish Motors, Scottish Motors, Cranes, Scottish Motors, British Trailer Co, Hands, Tasker, Tasker |
Model | Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , |
X page | 06752, 06752, 06752, 06752, 06752, 06752, 06752, 06752, 06752 |
Quantity | 7, 11, 45, 24, 61, 65, 44, 55, 200 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : 1 ( 18186D ) Wt 30386/4796 25000 10/42 H JR & L Gp 745/6 Date AND . TRAILER , 20 TON , LOW LOADING . uh . R. E. Plant . Contract No. 110044 711827 Swetish Cranes Scottish Motor 28.7.42 7 . 22.10.42 11 28.7.42 755'11 T 45 19.5.42 1/4091 leranes ( Derehan ) 24 28-7.42 1/5193 Scottish motors 61 B.6.P s Contractor 41 1 30.9.50 6 / 1ch / 5947 Tachers 4.10.50 6 / tch / 5592 Zrt . trailer bo : 28.10.50 6/144/5948 Hands ( Letchwath ) Lackers +5.9.51 v 5944 andt . . Jackers Quantity ea 56 65 44 56 39 Per 8.5.52 . 6 / Uch / 2405 Tackers Trans to FV 36201 16 it ea la : 1,175 ea : 1,200 la 1,175 1,290 la : 1175 ea Ea 1350 1350 00 Contract Price Costed Price S. d . S. d . 433 Ja Jaler £ L O O - A For RE Plant- Filet O O O O ea . 1657 10 ea . 1516 . ea 1 1 CR 01157 62 211 1812 06 1749 18 6 سون # 4 4 1750 € o PIP + 1 % + 5 % 6 + + 9 % ( 8 % * Free Issues 19 each 2450 2650 CR £ 13640 S. d . 1900 any M 16 whild £ 1300 £ 1350 79 CAT . No. 148 07 148 07 tank recovery ) 16 Wheel £ 1300 10 4 twin wheels . B. 6. P. Loborge 1487 8.6P1300 . c / w Scammell Trauspated : 5508 DRWG . No. INSPN . CoN . BCH . Remarks 790 3 778 wild machine after trials below . 8 whld : See entory & whld : L. 2- £ 139-13-7- cost of repair to L Amdi 3-165-19-0 each for modifications Andt 4 -22-18-0 , each for addition Average . Brond e 3 bee mother entry 7 3 [ Indluding additional air pressure reservoir tank w / relay value . 7 3 + £ 1.1.0 each for B7 Ganner + £ 2.50 each for reflectors . Amidt . 9. 2.8.52 . & wheeled . Call 8/24 8 wheeled - Knock out rear axle . Q.m.C.o. ¥ . ( R. ) 8.9.52 . Q.1.3 . 2.12.52 . |