Image details
Asset code 1 | , |
Asset code 2 | , |
Contract date | 1956-07-31 00:00:00.000, 1954-07-14 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/21766, 6/V/16718 |
Contractor | Eagle Engineering, Eagle Engineering |
Make | Eagle, Eagle |
Model | Trailer 6 ton End Tipper, Trailer 6 ton End Tipper |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 06660, 06660 |
Quantity | 10, 2 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : ( 1/56 ) S12411 M702292 Wt.7009 D1868 4/56 20M T & Co . G834 . Date the . 31.7.56 Contract No. 14.7.54 6 / VEH / 16718 And tiffing trailves 6 ton . to Bedford Scommell A. 4. 5.5.G. tractor . 6 / VEH / 21766 Eagle king to that MS Form 28 Contractor L 11 Quantity Per ㅈ Contract Price £ d . 810 in 643 ea 573 1570 Tooling Free Charge Issues 1/3 . P.I.P. R. & D. 382 CAT . No. Carr . Charge Cost Price £ S. Remarks |