Image details
Asset code 1 | 3495, 3495, 3495 |
Asset code 2 | 0275, 0275, 0275 |
Contract date | 1946-10-22 00:00:00.000, 1945-07-13 00:00:00.000, 1951-05-28 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 23/9267, 23/8003, 6/V/6379 |
Contractor | Cranes, Cranes, Cranes |
Make | Cranes, Cranes, Cranes |
Model | Trailer 50 ton Tank Transporter 32wh, Trailer 50 ton Tank Transporter 32wh, Trailer 50 ton Tank Transporter 32wh |
Wartime number | , , |
X page | 06768, 06768, 06768 |
Quantity | 50, 1, 50 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : brawe TRAILERS , 50 TON , 32 WHEELER TRANSPORTER ( 161W / 448 ) use with Diamond T.6X4 , 40 - tor Tractor , or its equivalent ) for e 1571686642 50m 10/44 ( 89267 ) 58521/4870 50m 3/45 M & C Ltd. 51/1 Contractor Lyson + be Date Contract No. 19/7/15 +3/5 9865 22.10.46 23/9267 13.7.45 23/8003 brave Ltd. 25.5.51 . 6 / Jch / 6379 " boanes ( Dexchan ) Ad ? 8.757 1957 me ( 9257 ) Quantity Per 100 50 1 50 " ( Contract Price Costed Price £ S. d . £ S. d . 3600 3091 6 11 " " P.I. & T / C each 400000 5 % 10 28.5.51 b / väH / ( 6339 branes ( derton ) ta 50 Za 400000 VPN 1/64 690184-09-670 . 3495-0275 Free Issues £ 8. d . 401 4 - teenbrash 327 12 £ 3950 327 12- ( Brototype ) ( 3400 OPRO . Imorell ſie 4,2500 Spenca + 11 & 2 = = 4,450001 / 22 / 6 / 59 . HR INSPH PIP RAD CARR . FACH 4000 37 344 50 57 17 . CAT . No. 4400 DRWG . No. INSPN . CoN . BCH . Hot temmated 16.1.6 ) ( No deliveries ) ja Remarks 872 124 Lev 3/3/65 |