Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , |
Contract date | 1950-10-04 00:00:00.000, 1951-09-15 00:00:00.000, 1950-10-26 00:00:00.000, 1952-05-09 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/5592, 6/V/5947, 6/V/5948, 6/V/9403 |
Contractor | Tasker, Tasker, Tasker, Tasker |
Make | Tasker, Tasker, Tasker, Tasker |
Model | Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh, Trailer 20 ton Low Loading RE Plant 8wh |
Wartime number | , , , |
X page | 06754, 06754, 06754, 06754 |
Quantity | 75, 56, 44, 200 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : S14592 M778304 Wt.7060 D943 4/58 20M T & Co . G834 . Date Contract No. 14 Trailei , 20 You , 8 wh , Low Loading 4.10.50 6 / VEH / 5592 Brilist Kailes 30-1.51 15.9.51 6 / VEN / 594 ) Jaskes . Contractor MS Form 28 2610.50 6 / VEN / 5948 Hands . VPN 1/64 8.5-52 / 6 / Ven¹ 9403 Taskro . Quantity VPN164 10 56 Now 44 Per British Trailer bo . 690384-09-017 Hands ( 3480 - 0460 ) 690384-09-096 Tasker 690384-09-984-690384-09-175 ? Mite makes own lesign . These traiders ons . of all the some Specifation but , fonicall Cost Price Contract Price Tooling Free £ d . Charge Issues in S. Ea 28700 Za 87100 Za 2223 11 2 Za 1806 170 1806170 200 2 2450 196 R.E. Plan CAT . NO . # 287100 3 % P.I.P. R. & D. Carr . Charge 3 % 3 % 3 % 50 % known as FU 36 21 ( 9 . ( a ) 411 вие авто Fv 362r ( a ) £ 3 % 3/47 5 % 5 % 1. % 350.00 Kit . General Aervier and R.E.Plant . 7/3 18 S. d . Remarks 2000 Leuw . R.E. Plast . Law OL.L. General Service & 2/3 5 % 5 % 1 % 275000 Lew . } 1/0/210000 SEE TWO PAGES ON 2450 of 2l . Agaoral service and R.E. Plant . 1 |