Image details
Asset code 1 | , |
Asset code 2 | , |
Contract date | 1941-11-01 00:00:00.000, 1943-04-30 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | C12029, 23/1698 |
Contractor | Francis Barnett, James |
Make | Francis Barnett, James |
Model | Motor Cycle Solo 125cc, Motor Cycle Solo 125cc |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 01003, 01003 |
Quantity | , 10 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : MOTOR CYCLE , SOLO 150 c.c. ( 18186D ) Wt 30386/4796 25000 10/42 H JR & L Gp 745/6 Date Contract No. ( 19703D 1.11.41 30.4.43 23/1698 Contractor C / 12029 Francis + Barnett James begele вуеле Wt 39611/9505 25,000 12/42 Francis Barnett B.C.P .. James Quantity ✓ 10 Per la : la . [ 1 S. Contract Price £ d . 5 3² 10 33 34 Ea 35 - 36 10 . Costed Price d . £ S. Free Issues £ - of 2 d . 130 96 S. CAT . NO.2 DRWG . FOLIO 1640 of Go Remarks " Plover " £ 35 Vilber's 2 strcke engink . 6.P. £ 36.00.0 |