Image details
Asset code 1 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |
Asset code 2 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |
Contract date | 1944-09-23 00:00:00.000, 1944-08-30 00:00:00.000, 1944-10-04 00:00:00.000, 1945-01-03 00:00:00.000, 1945-01-16 00:00:00.000, 1945-01-18 00:00:00.000, 1945-01-20 00:00:00.000, 1945-03-15 00:00:00.000, 1945-03-28 00:00:00.000, 1945-04-24 00:00:00.000, 1945-04-26 00:00:00.000, 1943-12-22 00:00:00.000, 1944-06-22 00:00:00.000, 1945-06-09 00:00:00.000, 1945-09-20 00:00:00.000, 1945-11-03 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 23/2552, 23/7156, 23/2963, 23/2962, 23/3714, 23/4561, 23/5614, 23/8610, 23/4561, 23/7019, 23/9219, V5088, 23/1400, 23/5614, 23/3846, 23/7010 |
Contractor | Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies, Duple Motor Bodies |
Make | Austin, Ford, Ford, Ford, Thornycroft, Vauxhall, Ford, Ford, Bedford, Austin, Ford, Ford, Ford, Ford, Rootes, Austin |
Model | Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4, Lorry (Truck) 3 ton GS Cargo 4x4 |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |
X page | 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382, 01382 |
Quantity | 1800, 6, 5999, 5999, 500, 843, 5000, 10, 843, 2999, 1, 2000, 5000, , 1, 1 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : Date Contract No. 23.9.44 23/255 a 30.8.44 ( 4152 4.10.44 23/2962 3.1.45 16.1.45 2.3 / 3714 Thornycroft 12.145 23/4561 Vauxhall 20.1-4523 / 5614 Ford 5.3.45 23/8610 28.3.45 23/4561 Austin Ford n Contractor 24.4.45 23/4019 26.4.4523 / 9219 Ford 22.12.13 V 5088 23 / 14.00 455614 20.9.45 83 3846 Rootes 3.4-45 / 23 / 2009 Austin X ** " 1 TRUCK 3 TON 4X4 Quantity 10 XVauxhall bedford x 843 1800 6 Ford B.C.P. Nustatl " " Beased . Austin Vauxhall Beaford , Thorncroft Albion Crossley Austin 5999 5999 50-0 843 5000 2969 1 Contract Price £ S. d . Ea 606 11 11 F.P. 654 659 665 Per 7 of 20 S 19 * 1310 411 665 643 411 680 1 ( .. . 2 ( I . ♥ 1 1 3 3 O 1 710 650 465 1300 1350 1000 60111 6 F.P. - ( 1 1 Costed Price £ S. d . ● 642101 64678 646 78 11059 9 G.S. 2000 5000 * 4 .. £ 728-15-0 +3598 . £ 983-16 -3 + 8 % - £ 1062-10-4 6-78 . + 186 = 2 ( 073-2-10 77241 7,2 £ 769-2-2 + 35 % - £ 269-3-9 + 8 % . £ 83-1-34 + 1 % - £ 11-4-31 1150 Free Issues £ 50 15 50 15 - w.0.1.6 720 m 250/780/0 + 10/0 L460 Listed 29/10751 . IN 50 15 + 1 % = 614,8 Qw40 8 ( R ) 1/32 411-0.3 + / 50-15 0-441-15-3 + 35 % = 1641-12- 4 + 4 % 49.175 . // vk . Jomt 8/10151 . BAOR / 5 / 1451 . -Bedford 50 63 5 51 15 10 51 15 10 76 50 15 - CAT No. - DRWG . No. Remarks S. d , + 40 % + 9 % = 10008 . € 146 Zimberside's B. bPZ 660 INSPN . CoN . BCH . 1 A. Ai men Blok 1710 W.O.T.6 - 18 / 3½ / 2 dl SB Costed 17 / 12 / 40 - £ 700 - £ 400 « Amna ho . 6. Catd 31,1045 po.8 . 3 / 1 / .45 do T.F / ACH / 1L1400 hested + 9 % /15.00 € 460 B.6.P. € .4,20 € 673-150-15-0² - 723-15016a7 £ 960 & . Chitwell 18/5/50 50 15 - 2650 + 35 % . + 9 % = € 960 50 15 W.O.T. 6. £ 200 £ 130 674 642 11 2 642 11 2 69 3 625 311 675 311 See file - £ 10 50 50 15 49118 50 15- Jully Nakerproofed Amnd 20. 2. £ 770 £ 1132-11 S.R. 1952 , Jihstor brd 13 + 25/1/52 Cistern . 3/4/57 £ 410 11 143 WIB . Oosted 22.6 . Filmell isted quoted to ms 3A . 21/1/51 Revised Janea July 1845 Welvy . £ 730 AND B.C.P. 7820 each |