Image details
Asset code 1 | 1040, 1040, 1040, 1040 |
Asset code 2 | 0762, 0762, 0762, 0762 |
Contract date | 1965-12-23 00:00:00.000, 1966-10-20 00:00:00.000, 1966-09-19 00:00:00.000, 1966-10-20 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | WV4838, WV5322, WV5542, WV5322 |
Contractor | Rover, Marshall , Rover, Marshall |
Make | Rover, Rover, Rover, Rover |
Model | Ambulance 0.75 ton 2/4 stretcher 109 inch Wheelbase RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 9, Ambulance 0.75 ton 2/4 stretcher 109 inch Wheelbase RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 9, Ambulance 0.75 ton 2/4 stretcher 109 inch Wheelbase RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 9, Ambulance 0.75 ton 2/4 stretcher 109 inch Wheelbase RHD 4x4 Land Rover Mk 9 |
Wartime number | , , , |
X page | 04023, 04023, 04023, 04023 |
Quantity | 89, 89, 19, 19 |
Transcription |
MS Form 28 DESIGNATION : Date 3/4 TON 109 WHEEL BASE 4X4 MK9 AMRULANCE 2/4 LAND ROVER Contract No. Contractor 23:12:65 W V4838 ROVER Co. Mld P / L 7 9/626 chassis / cab . MARSHAWL of Cam BODY 2010 : 66 wv 5372 19 : 9 : 66 WV 5542 ROVER CO IND Plz 2.418.16.7 . Chassis / cab 20 / 10 / 66 WV 53.72 MARSHALL OF CAM PLODY STRETCHER Nett Contract Price Quantity P 89 EA 740.00 Per £ 89 EA 826.00 5A 1566.00 19 FA 740 00 19 19 EA 826.00 FA 1566.00 Free P.I.P. Issues Insp . 55 ( RHD ) 58 Cat No. H.Q. R & D Carr . 1040-0762 . FV118067 Vocab Rate £ 31/45 35 58 18 1850 od 31/46 36 56 S 1850 DO REMARKS ( PROV ) PROV ( PROVISIONAL ... PROV |