Image details
Asset code 1 | 1055, 1055, 1055, 1055, 1055, 1055, 1055, 1055, 1055 |
Asset code 2 | 0377, 0377, 0377, 0377, 0377, 0377, 0377, 0377, 0377 |
Contract date | 1952-08-18 00:00:00.000, 1952-02-23 00:00:00.000, 1952-10-21 00:00:00.000, 1952-10-21 00:00:00.000, 1952-10-21 00:00:00.000, 1953-01-31 00:00:00.000, 1951-07-14 00:00:00.000, 1954-10-30 00:00:00.000, 1958-05-06 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/7980, 6/V/8908, 6/V/9862, 6/V/10983, 6/V/10984, 6/V/9246, 6/V/7980, 6/V/10705, 6/V/27216 |
Contractor | Ford, Spurling, Mulliners, Duple Motor Bodies, Tickford, Duple Motor Bodies, Ford, J A Carter, Smiths Motor Ancillaries Ltd |
Make | Ford, Ford, Ford, Ford, Ford, Ford, Ford, Ford, Ford |
Model | Ambulance 3 ton GS 4 stretcher 4x4, Ambulance 3 ton GS 4 stretcher 4x4, Ambulance 3 ton GS 4 stretcher 4x4, Ambulance 3 ton GS 4 stretcher 4x4, Ambulance 3 ton GS 4 stretcher 4x4, Ambulance 3 ton GS 4 stretcher 4x4, Ambulance 3 ton GS 4 stretcher 4x4, Ambulance 3 ton GS 4 stretcher 4x4, Ambulance 3 ton GS 4 stretcher 4x4 |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , |
X page | 04045, 04045, 04045, 04045, 04045, 04045, 04045, 04045, 04045 |
Quantity | 782, 100, 332, 250, 100, 244, 244, 117, 1 |
Transcription |
A DESIGNATION : - G4114 M35102 / 2374 20,000 9/51 KP804-0 Date Contract No. TRUCK 3 FON FORD GS # * 4 AMBULANCE . 4 stretcher . GS . 4 × 4 . Contractor 18.8.52 6 / Veh / 7980 FORD bh / bab 1-3.5u MS Form 28 Price 30/11/43 30 /// vel / 8908 % Sparlen destier Paties 100 23-2.54 / 9862 Mulleners Ltd. - 21. 10.52 . 6 / vek / 10983 Duple Motor Bodies ( Body ) 250 221.10.0 52.6 / Vel / 10984 Tickford Sted . ( Body ) 100 18.2 . 8. 7.53 7 Average Body Quantity 782 Each 1370 Complete Vehiele Financ Boday Advenange Ford Yeab ( Body ) 332 each 31.1.53 6 / Vet / vart Kanisand weerage piese beoday Hempte Mation Bodiro 14.7.51 4 / Val / 7980 Ford Motors 6/10 Ja . 30.10 . 546 / Vih / 10705 -9.h. Cartor fitting stretcher 6/5/58 6 / VER / 27216 Smiths Miteri Arc . La Per - 1 Contract Price £ S. d . f 7 Each 782 each 506 2 2 35 10 3 5 % ** each 502 00 1 % 8 % K130-14 : 94 5 % 5 % , * 1434 1 % 8 % 136-1492 5 % 1 % 5 % 136.14.9 / 52 5 % each 520 15 • * 39 6 535 60 Jon + 170 244 seast verase Ea NEW CODE NO 7374 1 7 13 14 5:36 677 M 1488 1 Bach . each 557168 1 % 5 % 136-14-9 % 5 % / 42 , Q TT D 13 LODE No. 744 001-01-421 1055.03yy 7 % Carr . Free Tooling Charge P.I.P. Issues Royalty Charge 17 21.2.2 . D * 400 31.3 . 1 % 1 % 5 % 19 5 % 8 % £ 136-149 / 2 . 5 % . * Cost Price £ S. complete FV.13302 d . CR300 , 2300 0.0 £ 2,350 00 £ 230060 590 12661491 57 % 18.10.0 Sie Transferred to FV . 1 3304 / 2450 . X CAT.NO. FV 133 02 DRWG . NO . INSPN . CoN . BCH . Remarks * Prototiyper 21297-0-0 prodel E 3 . WV3 16/3/40 & amor , con nobletional . ilims . Ford 6./6 . & 2eets Stretcher year , pes vehicle 136.14.9 / Amets 34.5 . - Additional cost . C.10 . Revised Coading V / 10 / 58 . Complete with 2 sets of stretcher 1/4 Jun " / 4 Britiom B.O.D. £ 2,300 4. VPN 1/64 Rejes 6 / Vet / 13138 aravinge deigen . Hon ernversion of Bennen tärne . Hi ambulance . Special seder for muchtel Jetting of air booking weiß . incesa . mecheniente . |