Image details
Asset code 1 | 1040, 1040, 1040, 1040 |
Asset code 2 | 5766, 5766, 5766, 5766 |
Contract date | 1968-12-05 00:00:00.000, 1969-10-21 00:00:00.000, 1970-10-21 00:00:00.000, 1971-08-04 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | WV9319, WV9307, WV10000, WV10104 |
Contractor | Rover, Marshall, Rover, Mickleover |
Make | Rover, Rover, Rover, Rover |
Model | Ambulance 0.75 ton 2/4 stretcher 109 inch Wheelbase LHD 4x4 Land Rover, Ambulance 0.75 ton 2/4 stretcher 109 inch Wheelbase LHD 4x4 Land Rover, Ambulance 0.75 ton 2/4 stretcher 109 inch Wheelbase LHD 4x4 Land Rover, Ambulance 0.75 ton 2/4 stretcher 109 inch Wheelbase LHD 4x4 Land Rover |
Wartime number | , , , |
X page | 04053, 04053, 04053, 04053 |
Quantity | 115, 115, 175, 175 |
Transcription |
MS Form 28 DESIGNATION : 4 LANDROVER 2 TON AMBULANCE 2/4 STRETCHER 109 " W / B . LHD . MK.H Date Contract No. Contractor 9319 Amendy 2 22/12/70 . 5.12.68 WV 8626. Rower Co Ltd. Chassis & Part Cab . 21.10.69 WV 9307 Mershall the Body 21- 18.70 WV 10000 Quantity Per 115 BA 960.00 ROV Amendt3 . 715 Rover to Ltd. 175 Chassis & Part Cab . 48 71 WY 10104 MICKLEOVER Mld 175 Bady . Nett Contract Price £ BA.975.00 FA 1935.00 64020 mind & 2 938.18 Amal - No 6 . LA 93500 PROV P.L.P. SP Free Issues Insp . Cat . No. H.Q. R & D 1040-5766 Carr . Vocab Rate £ FV / 18067 . 34/46 38 56 19 2250.00 REMARKS |