Image details
Asset code 1 | , , |
Asset code 2 | , , |
Contract date | 1957-04-05 00:00:00.000, 1959-03-02 00:00:00.000, 1960-08-08 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/15820, 6/V/15821, KL/H/0800 |
Contractor | Austin, Austin, Austin |
Make | Austin, Austin, Austin |
Model | Car Saloon A45 4x2 Cambridge Mk 2 HS8, Car Saloon A45 4x2 Cambridge Mk 2 HS8, Car Saloon A45 4x2 Cambridge Mk 2 HS8 |
Wartime number | , , |
X page | 04155, 04155, 04155 |
Quantity | , , |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : ( 3/56 ) S12675 M762105 Wt.1422 D1077 8/56 30M T & Co . G834 . Date molt 3 Contract No. 1957/58 Austin A. 55 Cambridge saloon ( Model H.S. 6 ) , R. H.D. and MKII H.S.8 5.4.576 / 7th / 15820 Austin motors Contractor MS Form 28 u ( 22.6.58-21.6.59 ) Quantity 2/65 Per Now Contract Price d . Ea £ in 411 * S. + 3 ) . fon fatting £ 14-0 4308 02/15/1 4 2.3.59 126-17 b / vek / 13820 Auslin Motoin . Rc . Ea Hiz o 8-8-60 . KR / H / 0800 The bustin meter bo R / C . ? éa 452 Free Tooling Charge Jesues R / C Za 430 80 MK II . H.S. 8 R / C a 4520 O off I P.I.P. 5 % 46.19.0 5 % R. & D. CAT . No. Carr . Charge 180 20 120 Cost Price £ s S. d . 4800 Remarks Supply & jetting 106. Platis £ 10-6 when and Extras : Heater $ 11 . 2.01 Supply felting 21.16.6 Do. Malés bracket ! * Fire Ext . + Les lett for excluas . FEXI . pelmas # x6.19.0.X For extras see bontract 1 For Eextrag Dee ** 1 year from X 248 . beutraot вои 22/6/60 . |