Image details
Asset code 1 | 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110 |
Asset code 2 | 0102, 0102, 0102, 0102, 0102, 0102, 0102 |
Contract date | 1960-08-31 00:00:00.000, 1960-11-08 00:00:00.000, 1960-01-26 00:00:00.000, 1960-06-22 00:00:00.000, 1963-12-21 00:00:00.000, 1965-01-03 00:00:00.000, 1966-07-01 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | KL/H/0800, KL/H/0933, KL/H/0955, KL/H/0800, WV220, WV220, WV4049 |
Contractor | Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin |
Make | Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin |
Model | Car Limousine 4 litre LWB 4x2 Princess Vanden Plas, Car Limousine 4 litre LWB 4x2 Princess Vanden Plas, Car Limousine 4 litre LWB 4x2 Princess Vanden Plas, Car Limousine 4 litre LWB 4x2 Princess Vanden Plas, Car Limousine 4 litre LWB 4x2 Princess Vanden Plas, Car Limousine 4 litre LWB 4x2 Princess Vanden Plas, Car Limousine 4 litre LWB 4x2 Princess Vanden Plas |
Wartime number | , , , , , , |
X page | 04181, 04181, 04181, 04181, 04181, 04181, 04181 |
Quantity | , 2, 1, , , , |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : ( 1277 ) M791579 52 15,000 7/59 TS & Co.Ltd . Gp.815 8-11-60 KWH / 0933 26-1-60 KW / H / 0955 Date Contract No. Quantity 31-8-60 Kh H / 0800 . The hustin histon bo . R / b . * . FROM TO đã 6.60 KH 0800 31.3.62 AMEND Y WEF . 21-12-63 WV / 220 Price List Austin Princess & Litze feinousine L.W.B.CAT . NO . ( VANDEN PLAS ) . tiz 1.7.66 WY 4049 brice List Contractor MS Form 28 " ( " ( Cr и VPN 1 / 6H u VPN 1/64 . 3.1.65 WV / 220 Austin motors Price List u W.D. CODE No.- 267050-00-211 . 1110.0102 2 1 R / C Contract Price Per S. d . f Ca 1.732 00 £ en 1947 11 4 . en 1767 12 wv 9530 Boruish Keyland . RK EA MPL 7D 22/3/72 WV au t Fooling Free Charge Issues P.I.P. HQ IN 10 Ea 1132 O 5 % Ea 1932 30 3 / 4 % 5 % Re Ea 1880 00 3 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 5 % Re Ea18800039 3/4 5 % 3 % 34 % 5 % R / OKA 204000 Carr . R. & D. Charge 1 - Cost Price £ S. d . 1 % 1850 00 Remarks for Extras , see Contract * . 1 year from 22/6/60 . 08.18 . Embed hean issue File EXT obracky - 1 / 185000 FE + B . Lev . 1 1 % 0.1950 Lev . 17 / 210000 € 2350 Less 20 % Lew 1 % . 210000 € 2350 Less 20 % Leer . 1 23 00 00 £ 2550 20 % - |