Image details
Asset code 1 | 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030 |
Asset code 2 | 0651, 0651, 0651, 0651, 0651, 0651, 0651, 0647, 0647, 0647, 0647, 0647, 0647 |
Contract date | 1948-12-13 00:00:00.000, 1953-09-15 00:00:00.000, 1953-09-12 00:00:00.000, 1954-08-19 00:00:00.000, 1954-11-30 00:00:00.000, 1957-03-07 00:00:00.000, 1956-09-26 00:00:00.000, 1958-06-08 00:00:00.000, 1958-02-03 00:00:00.000, 1958-07-21 00:00:00.000, 1958-08-08 00:00:00.000, 1959-06-23 00:00:00.000, 1959-07-15 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/2779, 6/V/13731, 6/V/13739, 6/V/17108, 6/V/17232, 6/V/24337, 6/V/24260, 6/V/26983, 6/V/26803, 6/V/26803, 6/V/26983, KL/H/0293, 6/V/26983 |
Contractor | Morris, Wadham Bros, Morris, Morris, Wadham Bros, Morris, Wadham Bros, Herbert Lomas, Morris, Morris, Herbert Lomas, Morris, Herbert Lomas |
Make | Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris |
Model | Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 NVS/12/3, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 NVS/12/3, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 NVS/12/3, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 NVS/12/3, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 NVS/12/3, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 NVS/12/3, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 NVS/12/3, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 LC5, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 LC5, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 LC5, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 LC5, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 LC5, Ambulance 1.5 ton 2 stretcher 4x2 LC5 |
Wartime number | , , , , , , , , , , , , |
X page | 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047, 04047 |
Quantity | 30, 16, 16, 14, 14, 3, 3, 20, , , 80, 50, 50 |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : ( 6/53 ) S10354 M68086 Wt.7305 D1274 1/54 20M T & Co . G834 . Ambulance - Morris 4 × 2 ( 30 art 2 Stretcher Civilian pattern . 6 / 6 / 586 / VE74 / 26583 M. Lomas dy 15.7.59 6 / 4h / 26983 +41 . Lomas Quantity 30 3 : 2.50 6 / VEH / 26803 Morris Comm . Chanis . Amendte . MS Form 28 Contract Price Footing Free Charge Issues HQ d . Date Contract No. Contractor Per E. 906 20 16 Each 714 76 13/12/48 6 / VEH / 2729 Morris bomm . ( Stictohen ) 15/9/53 6 / √ch / 13731 Wadham Bros 12 / 9 / 53 / 6 / Veh / 13739 Morris Com NVS 12/3 Chassis 16 Each 500 10 19/8/154 60 / Vah / 17108 Thursis bom NVS bharans 14 in 498 66 30.11.54 6 / Val / 172.32 Wadham Bros Body ) ( 3 strititin 6 5 % 14 ian * 17 7/16 VPN 1/64 906 17 1225 4 3 1-19-3 5 % 31 % 1 % 14000 Or Les 7.3.57 5 % 2 Leno 100 135000 31. 8. 36 6 | Uch / 2 + 4 + 337 marres bom ( thassins ) } 3 each 391 19 26.9.56 6100ch | 24260 Wadham Bros ( Bochy ) XX у Утец внизь ! 4 127519 2 Fire Exet & Bracket The Plates Tippe FV , 132047/8 VPN 164 Model NVS / 12 / 3 bode No. 727001-00-552 . Model LCS 227001-00-542 . 204 1064.7 . biff . Wody 50 la 1096 7 64 ra Ea 446 77 Guizage ما 1.12.0 1.19.3 P.I.P. 21.1₁86 / 167 / 26803 bharnie . Ea . 448 92 % ) 5 % 8.8 . 58 / 6 / VGH / 26913 H. Lomas . Bedy . 80 17 1075 7 6 10 korray $ 1073-3-6 VPN 1/64 [ [ 3 % 1523 17 1.3 % 23.6.59 K4 / 4 / 0293 Morris Comm . Thenie 50 / E 449 071 1524 $ 50 KG 108412 61 Ea 1533 131 3 # 447.875 % im R & D. IN T. No. Cost Price Carr . Charge £ S. 1 % 1300 1600 1030.0651 1030.0647 . d . 3 % 3/90 17 % 170000 o Honderd C.V. 11/30 NVS / 12 / 3 wus / i / O • & to Ples F11.11.115- per kch ! Andl - All metal body 29/2/60 1 % 4. C. 5 bharris . 121 w / Bane 2c5 bharis . 121 » co / Base 1 / 1624 2 8 2-21 / 7159. / 165000 stal bot - reational 10000 Plus 11-11 - ²011 ² . fur vel const LC5 " bhainis . 421 " costen . Lew Remarks myö7 ( 1 ) 5 % 300 100 145000 Lew |