Image details
Asset code 1 | 1130, 1130, 1130 |
Asset code 2 | 0383, 0383, 0383 |
Contract date | 1962-11-08 00:00:00.000, 1965-04-01 00:00:00.000, 1968-04-01 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | WV221, WV4050, WV7862 |
Contractor | Ford, Ford, Ford |
Make | Ford, Ford, Ford |
Model | Car Saloon CL 4 seater RHD 4x2 Zephyr 4, Car Saloon CL 4 seater RHD 4x2 Zephyr 4, Car Saloon CL 4 seater V-Engines RHD 4x2 Zephyr 4 |
Wartime number | , , |
X page | 04203, 04203, 04203 |
Quantity | , , |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : ( 1277 ) M724079 M / 7329 25,000 12/62 TS & Co.Ltd . Gp.815 Date Contract No. · lar , 4 Str . C.L. Saloon 4 × 2 . ZEPHYR . 4 . Re 8-11-62 WV 221 Contractor Passenger . Car Price DATED FEB 63 list VPN 1/64 , 9-10-63 WV / 221 Ford Motor bo Passenger Car Price List WEF . VPN 1/64 чон 3.3.64 W / E WV / 221 ford molor loo 20-11-64 Passenger foor Price List WE 1-4-67 WV / 4050 1.4.68 WV 7862 £ 9. d . Ford Motor Co. R / c ea 511 4 Ford Motor Co. O 1-4-15 WV / 4050 Ford motops Passenger Car Price List 1.10.69 WV 7862 . MS Form 28 - u - 279.65 WV / 4050 Ford motors Passenger bear Price List -U Quantity Per -1. Contract Price Re Footing Charge HQ i Free Issures P.I.P. IN CAT . NO . Lew . NEW CODE NO . R / C A 629 120 1 SAFETY Carr . R & D . Charge STRAPS Code No NO 24 Yob0-00-496 . Cost Price Remarks £ Leto 56000 £ 639 less 20 % . S. d . 1130.0383 5 % 15-16-41 % 56000 Ea 511 40 3/0 3/1/0 57 15-16-4 . 17 59000 . Ea511 40 50 % 10 % .56000 £ 639 Less 20 % . Ea 511 40 30 3 / 4 % 5 % 152-9 170 590 00hew . R / C Ea 511 40 3 % 3 / 4 % 5 % 014-16-0 17/0 59000 € 639 Less 20 % Law Ea53900 3 % 3 / 4 % 50 / 014-16-0 19/0 . 62000 € 665 Leso 20 % . Pabove prices revised to include R / C Rele Ca 5400 03 % 34 % 5 % 14-16-0 190.62000 £ 675 Less 20 % Lew Lere . EA 553 12 3 % 3 / 4 % 5 % 14-16-0 197064000 € 692 Less 20 % . R / C R / C EA . 614 120 3 % 3 / 4 + % 5 % 14-16-0 190. 110 00 £ 772 Less 20 % " V " ENGINES R / C EA 589 120 3 % 3 / 4 % 5 % 14-16-0 1 % 68000 7434 hers 20 % to 150 32 342 52 14-16.01 % 72000 € 787 -20 % . CONTO PTO . |