Image details
Asset code 1 | 1140, 1140 |
Asset code 2 | 0465, 0465 |
Contract date | 1955-06-22 00:00:00.000, 1959-06-21 00:00:00.000 |
Contract number | 6/V/15774, 6/V/15774 |
Contractor | Rootes, Rootes |
Make | Hillman, Hillman |
Model | Car Utility 4x2 Husky, Car Utility 4x2 Husky |
Wartime number | , |
X page | 04221, 04221 |
Quantity | , |
Transcription |
DESIGNATION : HILLMAN HUSKY UTILITY Date Contract No. 22.6.55 / 6 / VEH / 15774 ROOTES 31-9.55 6NEH 15774 FROM 22.6.56 TO 21.6.57 21.6.57 29-10-57 17-1-58 FROM 223 22-6.58 TO 121.6.59 " MS Form 28 Contractor и V u и VPN 16H Quantity R / C Re R / e Ea 342 11 6 Re R / e R / e R / C Contract Price £ S. d . Ea 328 11 10-16-011-12-0² Ea 342 461-2-011-12-0² 5 % Per Instified vpy f EXTRAS Teeling Free Carr . Charge Issues P.I.P. R. & D. Charge THQ IN к Ea 342 7 6 1-2-011-14-0 & a 354 15 1-2-011-14-0 Ea 383 12 6 11-2-0-11-14-01 Ea 386 12 6 1-2-011-14-0 / 5 % Ea 386 12 6 1-2-01-14-05 % 3 % 3 / 4 % 1 % It would RC DVEH / 15704 dated 21.8.58 is now known as the that the ti mendment to Hillman Husky Estate Carl CAT . No. 10-67 1-14-01 Cost Price £ S. 1 % 3650 d . 1140-0465 . Remarks SUPPLY & FIT HEATER & 19-6-0 EXTRAS SEE CONTRACT / EXTRAS SEE CONTRACT 1 % 415 FE & B FOR EXTRAS SEE CONTRACT / heur . 407 / P |